Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm Walking in the March of Dimes Walk for Babies

Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick. I'm walking in March for Babies because I want to do something about this. And I need your help.
I will be walking on of  Robbie's Team.

My nephew Robbie was born at 25 weeks, weighing just 2 pounds.
 (His weight later dropped to a mere 1 lb. 4 oz.). Robbie spent 4 months in the Neonatal ICU.
He was too early, too tiny and had problems breathing, which meant many long, scary days
and nights at the hospital for his mom Heather.
But Robbie is proof that miracles do happen: he is now a healthy 15 month old,
thanks to research and the wonders of medical advancement -- and lots of love.
Please support my walk.
Making a secure donation is easy: just click the 'SPONSOR ME' button on the banner above
to ensure your donation is credited to  Robbie's Team.
Thank you for helping me give all babies a healthy start.
The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Laurie Ann is a guest designer at Scrap Matters!

Promise Kit from HGD by Laurie Ann

My page using this kit:

Kirchen Window Freebie from HGD by Laurie Ann

A photo of my Dad at about 2 years old at his family bungalow

Layouts Using HGD by Laurie Ann

White As Snow Kit
My daughter Pam as we walked her down the aisle -- such happiness.

Heart Song Kit
My granddaughter Tayler.

My grandson Tristan.

Tayler --loved by me, Mom & Dad

Our little golfer out Trick or Treating

My Grandmother Rdna at her graduation with her sister
My son Gage and his prom date Eunice

Gage on the Beach in NC

Photo booth photos from Christmas Eve 2010

This old and very worn photo found in my Grandfther's wallet after his stroke.
. It had appartantly been there for many many years. How romantic.

Me and my boy Tristan on  Easter 2008

Beautiful Table mini kit

A photo of our Thaksgiving table -- so much to be thankful for!

 Miss Bliss kit
Me and Gagie-Mo

Wedding Bliss kit
The Bride and Groom

The flower girl Tayler

The Bride, my beautiful daughter Pamela

Her handsome groom Michael


Tayler and the birthday cake she decorated

Miss Bliss Wordart Bits
Little Miss Lia at her first birthday photo shoot

Raindrops on Roses
Tayler on the monkey bars

Knock Knock
The grandkids

Gage and I on Atlantic Beach

The Gulf oil spill

Cute as a Bug
Tristan in hw bug car

Happy Face
Blowing bubbles

A Thing of Beauty
Pamela at 4 years old at the Pumpkin Farm

My summer beauty, Tayler

Heart You to the Moon Kit - moon, stars
Raindrops on Roses - metal clouds, green ribbon, cloud paper (blended), green paper
Snow Angels - hanging stars
Little Angel - light beam, wordart
November Road - pocket watch
Blue Skies paper - blended
Songbird Ave Charity Kit - clock hands

Tristan, day one

Songbird Avenue Charity kit
My lovely Lynnea at 15

Mini Mask Wordart 4
Plain Jane Cardstock Aged         Cute As A Bug
Trim Time          He Loves Me rose petals
Tayler going to her first dance

Cute as a Bug       Raindrops on Roses
Summerville          Little Angel Wordart

After Five Collab: Optimistic
My resolutions

Pam & Mike on their first anniversary